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Spring Fair


  • 164 stands
  • 1,000 guests
  • 75 drinking bottles in a single chandelier
  • 550 individual jars of grandmother's apple pie
  • 1 Poffertjes (traditional Dutch miniature pancakes) truck
  • 100 red gerberas

New products served up on a platter

With no fewer than 164 stands and an hourly peak load of 980,000 Watt, the SPAR Spring Fair had never been bigger. The visitors were able to sample and be informed regarding all of the latest products. The 1200-metre route across the trade floor, shaped and coloured like athletics tracks, hinted at the event’s overall theme: SPAR is raising the bar!


SPAR is your local supermarket for your everyday fresh grocery needs

Constantly raising the bar

Entertainer Huub Hangop welcomed the guests, dressed in a tracksuit with a whistle between his lips. He encouraged the guests to join SPAR in raising the bar during the coming year. DeFabrique was happy to be a part of this process by dismantling its entire go-kart track and turning the space into a trade floor for 164 stands. The event’s signage was in line with the theme as well; the numbers on the athletics track referred to the warehouses the guests frequented.

The SPAR Spring Fair is our chance to lift our entrepreneurs out of their day-to-day reality to inspire them in a special location. The DeFabrique venue, not to mention the team, enables us to realise this objective. DeFabrique takes care of all practical matters, and helps us by providing inspiration, tips, and trends during the run-up to the event. As such, we are able to reflect on a successful event for the organising team and visitors alike each year.
Mariëlle Witjes (Marketing Manager for SPAR)
Mariëlle Witjes (Marketing Manager for SPAR)

If you want more information about this event or if you are looking to organise your own event, please feel free to contact us.

Contact us!

Food and drinks in the right atmosphere

To be able to provide the 1,000 guests and the exhibitors with bites and drinks, food corners had been set up in various locations. Our partner JAN Verhuur equipped these spaces with inviting, beach-themed interiors, and even constructed a traditional Dutch café!

Esther Veenendaal
Berber Brouwer
Martin Bogaerds